Knit dyeing Plant in Bangladesh
The Problem
The main problem was to keep up with the different effluent quality, high cost of treatment with large volume of sludge generation. Occasionally, not meeting the discharge parameters due to BOD Shock (higher loading) of the incoming influent.
The Solution
Our Local Distributor was called in to inspect the plant. He found there was limited biological activity within the biological treatment part due to plant attempt to culture microorganisms through bio-stimulation. He recommended dosing EnBac® B110 at recommended dosage rate for build up and maintainance in order to allow the factory to meet the effluent consent levels.
The Results
Biological treatment was renewed within the treatment area. Bothe the odour and floatign sludge was reduced to a level considered appropriate and managable by the plant operators. Sludge generation was greatly reduced as well as the cost of operations.