There are Distributors of our products all over the world
EnBac® products are used in drains in Durban, urinals in the Urals and greasetraps in…….Athens!
Our Distributors do a terrific job and we are very proud of them. Distributors are important to us because they have the local knowledge and expertise that Plant Operators need if things go wrong. They are the local experts. It’s our job to support Distributors in getting the right product to their clients, quickly and efficiently.
Some of our Distributors are specialist consultants whose clients may only require a few kilos of product a year. Other Distributors have large sales forces and purchase many tonnes of product each month. But all of them are important to us.
Some Distributors have years of wastewater experience and have degrees and diplomas all over the office wall, so they don’t need to ask us much. They know all about bioaugmentation. Others turn to us quite regularly for technical advice. That’s OK. It’s good to hear from them. If you need technical advice, we’re happy to help.
And we are always on the lookout for more Distributors. If you are a professional with experience of working in the wastewater industry, looking for an opportunity to be in charge of your own business and prosper from your own hard work, then we want to hear from you.
If you are an established company looking to increase your product range to include bioaugmentation and bioremediation products, then we want to hear from you.
If you are a company already supplying bioaugmentation products, then we would love the chance to talk to you about the EnBac® products we make here in the UK and explain why we think they are the best in the market and why the service we offer our Distributors is so good.
Please give us a call, on +44 (0)1228 522255 or email