EnBac® B470 is a powder, containing a specially-formulating range of micro-organisms found naturally in soils, which biologically controls the layer of thatch on lawns. EnBac® B470 is used on many sports fields – especially golf greens, bowling greens and cricket pitches – as well as on well-tended ornamental lawns.
High performance aerobic and facultative anaerobic micro-organisms
Specific micro-nutrients for (including trace metals, vitamins, amino acids and metabolic stimulants)
Macro- nutrients – essential to the balanced growth of the micro-organismsBio-enhancer
Thatch is a layer of organic material that has accumulated above the soil. Thatch consists of the build-up of old grass cuttings, dead leaves and weeds.
A thin layer of thatch of less than 1cm is a good thing. It protects the emerging roots, which helps to create a hard-wearing, resilient surface.
But, where thatch is deeper than about 2cm:
- The thatch holds water, so the ground becomes soft and spongy underfoot
- In dry weather, water doesn’t get though the layer of thatch to the roots of the grass. The soil becomes hydrophobic and dries out, possibly leading to cracks in the soil.
- The roots from new seed stay in the thatch and don’t grow down into the soil. This favours shallow rooting grasses (such as meadow grasses) which don’t like dry conditions and are easily susceptible to fungal diseases such as fusarium.
Microorganisms, which are naturally present in the soil, will normally break down the thatch. Grass fields and large areas of grasses such as large parks, do not normally develop thatch. Thatch normally develops on well-tended grassy areas.
By naturally degrading the thatch, use of EnBac® B470 allows water, oxygen and nutrients to penetrate to the roots.
Improved turf-rooting, giving thicker, greener lawns
The surface is firmer underfoot
A more even surface
Better drainage, so puddling is less likely
Less need for physical scarifying
Less need for artificial fertilisers or other nutrients.